
Allow Detail screens to be a separate window that user can multi-task with both detail window and TrialWorks

Allow Detail screens to be a separate window that user can multi-task with both detail window and TrialWorks


Specifically, Notes detail. This would allow a user to read/enter a note in TrialWorks while referencing other areas of TrialWorks. The current behavior is that the detail window opens and a user cannot minimize or move window to another monitor and continue to work in TrialWorks. The user has to close the window before being able to interact with TrialWorks again.

  • Guest
  • Jan 31 2020
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    16 Mar, 2020 11:23pm

    For now, we open a Word document and type all the notes so we can access other TW tabs to be able to update whomever we are talking about the case. Then we cut and paste into a note after the fact, which is 1) cumbersome and 2) can result in failure to log notes as not doing directly in system as discussing case.