
Do not default to "No" when using the Intake Wizard

Our Request:

In using the Intake Wizard we are finding that some of the questions are defaulting to “No”. For example, if you don’t choose anything for “Client Wearing Seatbelt”, it defaults to “No”. Is there a way to clear the defaults and if nothing is filled in, it’s left blank? We don’t want anyone reviewing this case to assume that our client wasn’t wearing their seatbelt, among other things, if the question just wanted answered initially.

TW Response:

If nothing is selected for the dropdowns it will automatically default to the first option in the dropdown, usually. Some dropdowns default by alphabetical order but this isn't always the case.

It is best practice to ensure the information is filled in correctly when saving the case.

Our Response and Further Request:

Thank you for your response and the information. We would like to request that this feature in TrialWorks be updated/ remedied. Ideally, we’d love for our full intake form to be complete; however, that is not the reality in most cases. We gather as much information up front as possible, but it’s not always the client who contacts us first, so we don’t have every bit of information. Currently, how the Intake Wizard is set up to relay information, our attorneys are being told that each case was not a DUI, there was not a statement provided, our client did not have on their seat belt, the airbags did not deploy, etc (screen grab attached). When they receive an email with a “No” next to these options, there is not reason for them to readily follow up. But these “No”s are false information.

  • Guest
  • Feb 14 2023
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